
Covid-19 Notes

This information is subject to the proviso that any subsequent official regulations may read differently and shall be in accordance with the respective current requirements. Please also note the supplement to the General Terms and Conditions and the data protection information on Covid-19.

Status: 28 Februrary 2022

Arrival, admission and route guidance

● All visitors and accompanying persons of indoor-concerts must prove at the entrance that they have been fully vaccinated vaccinated, have been recovering for a maximum of six months or have tested negative (PCR test not older than 48 hours, antigen test updated daily). An overview of all current test sites in Ludwigsburg can be found here. Please inform yourself in good time about possible test centres; testing at our premises is not possible.

● Should you have symptoms (e.g. cough, cold, fever), have been in contact with a person infected with the coronavirus in the last 14 days or have been in an RKI-designated viral variant area or high incidence area in the last 14 days, you may not be allowed to enter. 

● You are only allowed to enter the event location with a medical mouth-nose protection. Indoors, an FFP 2 or comparable mask (for example KN95-/N95-/KF94-/KF95 masks) must be worn. This may not be removed even during the event indoors; outdoors it may be removed if the minimum distance of 1.5 metres can be maintained. If you are exempt from the mask requirement for health reasons, please inform the ticket office in advance by telephone or e-mail.

● Please keep the minimum distance of 1.5 metres.

● By entering the venue, you agree to the hygiene regulations. The instructions of the supervisory staff must be followed at all times.

● You are not allowed to change/leave of your assigned seat during the performance.

● The above rules also apply to exiting the auditorium, building and grounds.

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