
Ludwig van Beethoven Symphone No. 7 op. 92

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Overture »A Midsummer Night's Dream«
Samuel Barber »Knoxville: Summer of 1915« op. 24 

Arturo Márquez »Danzon No. 2«

Franz Liszt Three Songs from Friedrich Schiller's »Wilhelm Tell« [Der Fischerknabe, Der Hirt, Der Alpenjäger] 

Paul Dukas » Sorcerer's Apprentice«

Julian Prégardien tenor

Orchester der Schlossfestspiele

Alondra de la Parra conductor

[This text has been translated electronically.] 2020 was a year of cancelled festivals, including the 25th Klassik Open Air. That's why we're expanding the traditional experience at the Seeschloss Monrepos to a full weekend. Over the course of three days, conductor Alondra de la Parra, tenor Julian Prégardien and the festival orchestra will perform a brilliant arc from Mendelssohn Bartholdy's »A Midsummer Night's Dream« to Beethoven's 7th Symphony, the apotheosis of dance, and the spirited rhythms of Arturo Márquez. On Saturday, the concert culminates as usual with Paul Dukas' »Sorcerer's Apprentice« in a colorful fireworks display. In addition, there is the possibility to enjoy the full program on Fridays without fireworks or on Sundays in the afternoon hours.

dates and tickets


9 Jul



10 Jul



11 Jul


© Felix Broede

© Marco Borggreve

© Werner Kuhnle

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