
Thu, 10 December 2020

Pixel symphony on view again Dec. 10-31

[This text has been translated electronically.] Michael Rauter's online installation »Pixelsinfonie«, which is based on Ludwig van Beethoven's 6th symphony »Pastorale« and celebrated its widely acclaimed online premiere at the Ludwigsburg Festival on 18 June, can be seen again on our website as a video on-demand on the Digital Stage.

»We are very pleased - not least for reasons of sustainability - that we can make our Pixelsinfonie accessible to even more people. With Michael Rauter's work, an aesthetically strong and innovative music-theatrical work has been created, which, not least in times of the Covid 19 pandemic - as a Beethoven lover, you should not miss it"«, says Jochen Sandig, artistic director of the Ludwigsburg Festival.

In the »Pixelsinfonie«, members of the festival orchestra of the Ludwigsburg Festival, the soloist ensemble Kaleidoskop, students of the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart and other colleges are separated from each other and come together virtually as a large common sound image, through which the longing and power of a society in crisis is expressed. Michael Rauter talked about the three-year development and unexpected adjustments to the corona pandemic in an interview.

Supported by the Ruprecht Foundation and the Friends of the Ludwigsburg Festival

A production of the Ludwigsburger Festival - International Festspiele Baden-Württemberg, developed in the context of #beethoven in cooperation with cooperation with Podium Esslingen and the HMDK Stuttgart. #beethoven is supported by the Kulturstiftung of the state of Baden-Württemberg, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH and the L-Bank.

Those who have enjoyed the »Pixelsinfonie« and would like to support similar projects, can make a donation to the Ludwigsburg Festival. A donation receipt will be issued upon request.

Donation account
IBAN DE93 6045 0050 0000 0337 78


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