
Chœur de Chambre de Namur

[This text has been translated electronically.] The broad repertoire of the Chœur de Chambre de Namur ranges from the Middle Ages to contemporary music. In addition to the great choral works, the Belgian chamber choir, founded in 1987, masters above all the musical heritage of its region of origin. In 2010, the artistic direction was entrusted to the young Argentinian choirmaster Leonardo García Alarcón. In 2016, the choir took part in its first stage production at the Paris Opera with Francesco Cavalli's »Eliogabalo«. The following year, it performed in the cast of Henry Purcell's »Dido and Aeneas« at the Opéra Royal de Wallonie in Liège.

Namur Chamber Choir

© Lino Bennardo 

Namur Chamber Choir

© Bertrand Pichene 

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