
Update on the festival programme

Changes and refunds

Due to the current situation we can unfortunately not be able to hold any events with an audience in May. Therefore, the Fest Spiel Ouvertüre will be broadcast on May 6. Liebe und Tod will also be realised digitally and broadcast by SWR on 11 June. Israel Galván Sacre is cancelled as planned. Find out more here - and keep up to date with our newsletter. [This text has been translated electronically.]

After last year was marked by cancellations, this year's season should be all the more prosperous. But the pandemic continues to keep us on our toes. We are sticking to our concept of a hybrid festival - despite the first cancellations.

A few weeks ago we already announced the cancellation of The Day WTC on 27, 28 and 29 May, Diluvio Universale Falvetti on 28 May, Pina Bausch Sacre on 10, 11 and 12 June and the Monrepos Open Air on 9, 10 and 11 July. If you have paid for tickets for these events by credit card, please contact the ticket office with your IBAN.

It has now been confirmed that presence events will not be possible in May and that we will unfortunately not be able to receive an audience. Therefore, we will broadcast the Fest Spiel Ouvertüre on 6 May in cooperation with Arte Concert at 8 pm as a livestream; Israel Galván Sacre on 14 and 15 May must unfortunately be cancelled. The event Liebe und Tod will not take place on 30 May as planned, but will be broadcast in cooperation with SWR on 11 June and can finally be experienced on our Digital Stage. Tickets already purchased for this will also be automatically refunded. If you would like to donate tickets in the spirit of #ichwillkeingeldzurueck, we would be happy to receive a response by Friday, 30 April 2021.

We continue to work on numerous corona-compliant open-air formats on the market square and in the cour d'honneur of the Residenzschloss, which we plan to offer free of charge. Sign up for our German newsletter to receive regular news updates. We would be pleased if you'd support our charitable work with a solidarity donation. By doing so, you will be supporting the free formats that help the musicians of the festival orchestra and other artists to perform. We look forward to seeing you again - virtually and analogue!

Donation account:

Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg
IBAN DE93 6045 0050 0000 0337 78

Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++