
»The Dying Swans Project« is online

Now available on the Digital Stage

April 16 brings 16 new releases: The media »Dying Swans Project« by Gauthier Dance comprises 16 solo choreographies, each with a different signature. The stage version of this project will take place during this year's Ludwigsburg Festival. Visit our Digital Stage and enjoy these digital masterpieces!

[This text has been translated electronically] With »The Dying Swans Project« the Stuttgart-based choreographer Eric Gauthier breaks through the pandemic limbo in which many cultural enthusiasts and creative professionals have been for months. Gauthier mobilized 15 other choreographers as well as his 16-member ensemble Gauthier Dance and created 16 different solo interpretations of the dying swan with the clear message: art cannot be stopped. The video clips can be found on various online channels from 16 April onwards, where they will shine in their individual handwriting. The choreographies by Mauro Bigonzetti, Bridget Breiner, Virginie Brunelle, Kinsun Chan, Edward Clug, Dominique Dumais, Andonis Foniadakis, Itzik Galili, Eric Gauthier, Smadar Goshen, Anita Hanke, Guillaume Hulot, Nicki Liszta, Constanza Macras, Kevin O'Day and Elisabeth Schilling were often created not only for, but also via Video. Photographer Jeanette Bak accompanied the intense period of work, as it can be followed on Gauthier Dance's Instagram channel . On February 8, the participants started rehearsals - two months later the project is now finished.

You can look forward to the analogue version for stage version, which will be presented under the title "Dying Swans Experience" and will have its premiere during this year's Festival. Until then, enjoy those virtual choreographies on our Digital Stage!

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