
Anne Katharina Schreiber


[This text has been translated electronically] Anne Katharina Schreiber has been a member of the Freiburger Barockorchesters since 1988. She also works regularly with the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, the Kammerorchester Basel and the Collegium Vocale Gent. She is active as a soloist, concertmaster and as a leader of her own projects, and has played under conductors such as René Jacobs, Philippe Herreweghe and Marcus Creed. As a chamber musician, she is a member of the Trio Vivente and performs with partners such as Isabelle Faust, Jean-Guihen Queyras and Daniel Sepec. In Freiburg, Schreiber teaches at the Hochschule für Musik and at the Ensemble-Akademie.

Anne Katharina Schreiber

© Marco Borggreve 

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