
Conline Dutilleul


[This text has been translated electronically] Coline Dutilleul studied at the Royal Conservatoires in Mons and Brussels and at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln. In additional masterclasses with singers such as Natalie Dessay, Barbara Hannigan and Lionel Hannigan and Lionel Sarrazin she trained in lied singing with pianists such as Roger Vignoles, Julius Drake and Ulrich Eisenlohr. From 2015 to 2017 she was a member of the opera studio of the Opéra national du Rhin, where she sang, among others, the role of Rosina in Giovanni Paisiello’s »Il barbiere di Siviglia«, Dido in Henry Purcell’s »Dido and Aeneas« as well as in the world premiere of »Mririda« by Ahmed Essyad. Dutilleul is a scholarship holder of the Fondation Securex and the Fondation Royaumont.

Coline Dutilleul
© Thomas Hirschmann
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