
Timo Brunke

Concert Poet

In his texts, Timo Brunke experiments with traditional forms such as the ode and the ballad, but also with the idioms of rap and spoken word. As a concert poet, he has realised concerts with TONALi in Hamburg, with the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra and the Heidelberg Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2019, he founded the Hölderlin Spoken Word Band to bring Hölderlin's poetry into a »risky exchange with the present«. With the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, he premiered his rhapsody »Hombre!« in 2021. In addition to his artistic work, Timo Brunke is committed to linguistic and poetic education. He is a lecturer at the Literary Education Centre of the Stuttgart House of Literature and the author of several books on the subject of words and play.

Timo Brunke
© Timo Kabel
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