
Gary Joplin


After working for over 20 years as a dancer for ballet companies across the USA, as well as companies in Basel, and Mannheim, Gary Joplin began developing his own pieces as a choreographer and director.  His work has been presented at the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Theater Heidelberg, and Theater Freiburg, among others. In Freiburg he has co-created participative projects since 2006, focusing not only on strong artistic outcomes, but also infusing process-oriented human development, heightened body awareness, and self-reflection as essential elements in creating socially informed performances. He also focuses on dance programmes for people with disabilities, and those living with Parkinson's and cancer. In »The 3rd Box«, Joplin collaborates with co-choreographer Monica Gillette, dealing with questions of gender identity and opening a framework where these questions can be explored and felt on deeper levels.  He is also known internationally for his work in body-mind development and leads workshops and seminars on the relationship between body and mind worldwide. 

Gary Joplin

© Britt Schilling; Grafik Daniel Wiesmann

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