
»The Day WTC«

Synthesis of music and dance

With a short film and a detailed discussion with the artists, the Ludwigsburg Festival will prepare the audience for the production of »The Day WTC«, which will be performed live in 2022. This will not only provide an insight into the work, but also into the personalities of the actors.

[This text has been translated electronically] As a special live experience, »The Day WTC« should already be at the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele in 2020. Corona put an end to this put an end to this and did not allow a performance on site in the 2021 season either. Still, anticipation for the New York production endures. On this we offer interesting insights into the project in advance on our Digital Stage. insights into the project. At the same time, you can also get to know the artists involved. get to know better: In a detailed Zoom conversation with Jochen Sandig, unexpected of Maya Beiser, Wendy Whelan, Lucinda Childs and David Lang will be revealed.

The process of the creation of the work is illuminated as well as its deeper its deeper messages and contents. As a duo, composer David Lang and cellist Maya Beiser created the work »World to Come« in 2001 in order to to deal artistically with the catastrophe of September 11. Years years later, they created the prequel »The Day«, which poses the question of the most important day in life. Now dancer Wendy Whelan and the iconic choreographer iconic choreographer Lucinda Childs. The result? An incomparable synthesis of music and dance.

In conversation, however, the artists do not only reflect on the extraordinary work. Rather, there is also a contextualization with current problems like problems such as Corona. By answering the three guiding questions of the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele, the artists also make personal statements about their in their current phase of life. Visual impressions of the production are provided by Joshua Higgason’s short film »The Day – Impressions«.

And even though the event has already been postponed twice, the Schlossfestspiele remain optimistic optimistic that the production will be presented in 2022 with all four artists in Ludwigsburg with all four artists!

© Erin Baiano

© Erin Baiano

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