
Be part of »Piano City Ludwigsburg« on 30 May!

On Instagram and Facebook

The »Piano City« concept developed by pianist Andreas Kern will move to the digital in 2021 to celebrate the house music tradition also and especially in these times. If you enjoy playing the piano, we look forward to your contribution on Instagram or Facebook - at whatever level and in whatever genre! For more information, click here.

[This text has been translated electronically] For more than a year now, the Corona pandemic has increasingly forced us to stay within our own four walls. This has individual advantages or disadvantages for each person. One tradition that has always positively charged one's own home and linked it with artistic exchange is house music. The pianist Andreas Kern took up this tradition in 2010 and, with his »Piano City« concept, provided a special musical weekend with around 100 concerts spread across Berlin. This exceptional experience quickly found favour and was continued in other cities such as Milan or New York. This will also be the case in Ludwigsburg in 2021. After the Ludwigsburg Festival had to postpone the analogue project twice already, we hope to be able to catch up on the presence experience. This year it will take place completely digitally for the first time.

Your own four walls are transformed into a concert hall, while the social media channels Instagram and Facebook act as a connecting element between all participating pianists. And this is how you can become part of the digital »Piano City« project: Share a short pianistic video of yourself on Instagram or Facebook under the hashtag #pianocityludwigsburg and link us via @ludwigsburgfestival (Instagram) or @ludwigsburgerschlossfestspiele (Facebook) on 30 May. We look forward to the interaction and the diverse contributions!

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