Schlossfestspiele Ludwigsburg

According to the principle »Pay what you want« you can rewatch the livestream OBERON TRIO DUALITY of 19 June for a fee - but you decide on the ticket price. You will receive the access code by e-mail after payment. The stream is available up to and including 18 August 2021.


JOSEPH HAYDN Piano Trio No. 37 in D minor, Hob. XV:23



ROBERT SCHUMANN Piano Trio No. 2 in F major, op. 80

Oberon Trio:

Henja Semmler Violin

Antoaneta Emanuilova Violoncello

Jonathan Aner Piano

Contrasts have always been an important feature in music. Major or minor, piano or forte, adagio or presto, music traces the contrasts of life. With the program »Duality« the Oberon Trio makes these contrasts audible in a special way. They present Joseph Haydn’s alternation between major and minor, Robert Schumann’s struggle between melancholy and joy, and Toshio Hosokawa shows that even the single tone carries a dualism within itself. At the same time, polarities are constructively bridged. We discover this in the dialogue between piano and string instrument. We experience it in the juxtaposition of classical repertoire and a contemporary work. Even outside of art, the challenge of our time is to overcome the dualism between people. Like music, we are also capable of capable of doing so.

show overview
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