
Podcast »Des Pudels Kern« on our Digital Stage

Unusual encounters with classical music

In the new series of talks by and with Elisa Erkelenz and David-Maria Gramse, unusual connections of classical music with philosophy, science, (martial) arts and pop are brought to light and thus »the pudel's core« of that genre is explored from a variety of perspectives. The podcast is released on the first of every month and is also available on our Digital Stage.

The new podcast borrows »Des Pudels Kern« not only its title from Goethe’s Faust; rather, it is the wide-ranging and multi-disciplinary approach of the scholar, with which the great topic of classical music is approached. of classical music. In order to fathom what we actually need the classical music, there is no need for a musicological analysis, but for but rather the thoughts of space researcher Felix Kubin, singer Anna Lucia Richter, sociologist Hartmut Rosa and Ralf Köster from the Golden Pudel Club – as can be heard in the first episode («Why Classical Music?«) of the podcast format. to hear. On September 1, dramaturg and freelance journalist Elisa Erkelenz and violinist David-Maria Gramse started their new series of talks and will publish further, unusual encounters on the first of each month. published. Curiously exciting it goes on: Since October 1 is the second episode(«Superheroes«) has been out, in which violist Tabea Zimmermann and aikido master Rüdiger Keller deal with the connections between bowing and martial arts. On November 1. the third episode(«A Month with Mozart«) went online, in which Thomas Hengelbrock was interviewed every day about Mozart at the festival in Aix en Provence to find out what he still has to tell us today. Since December 1 the fourth episode («Concert halls«) in which composer Brigitta Muntendorf, cultural mediator Wiebke Rademacher and architect Prof. Jörg Friedrich ponder the concert halls of the future. the fifth episode («Monsters«) traces the monstrous, the insane, and the strange in music.the sixth episode («Farewell from the earth«) surprises with a special: Soprano Anna Prohaska who last year soprano, who was a guest at the Schlossfestspiele last year and will return in 2022, presents her will present her own version of Franz Schubert’s »Abschied von der Erde«. from the Earth. She also discusses with literary scholar Stefan Willer romanticism and climate change. What gets under our skin? What of it remains? These questions and many more will be in the seventh episode («Under the Skin«) answered by the composer Isabel Mundry and the tattoo artist Seb Winter. Besides skulls and burning hearts, Mannheim hip-hop and Japanese classical music are also topics of this podcast episode. In the eighth episode (»Radikale Vielfalt«), the pianist Igor Levit, the author Max Czollek and the composers Cymin Samawatie and Ketan Bhattizu are guests. The ninth episode ("Savages") questions our relationship with nature. 

Some of the podcast guests have already been guests at the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele as guests. And that is no coincidence: in addition to the Cologne Philharmonie, the Konzerthaus Dortmund, the Heidelberger Frühling, and the Mozartfest Würzburg, the Schlossfestspiele is a founding partner of the series. Listen to the first nine episodes and look forward to the coming months!

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