Schlossfestspiele Ludwigsburg




Oksana Lyniv / Orchestra of the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele – A Concert of Silence for a current occasion

JOHN CAGE«4’33’’«

«The world is shocked. Art, music must remain silent in mourning.

Today has shown how quickly a person can be deprived of the right to life simply because of his identity and will. All moral values, all European freedoms, all our cultural heritage and development of the last century have been destroyed – a new terrible war has engulfed one of the European states. The aggressor is Russia, the first victim is Ukraine.«

Ukrainian conductor Oksana Lyniv opened the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele in 2021 with John Cage’s »4’33««, a work of silence that inspires reflection and pause even today in the current situation.

As a sign of solidarity with the people of Ukraine, Arte Concert is now re-releasing the concert, broadcast live from the Forum im Schlosspark on ARTE Concert and on our Digital Stage on May 6, 2021.

A production of the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele in co-production with ZDF in cooperation with ARTE Concert.


The Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine (YsOU) was founded in 2016 on the initiative of Ukrainian conductor Oksana Lyniv, who opened the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele in 2021 with the Fest Spiel Overture. with the Festspiel Overture. Many young musicians of the youth orchestra are still in Ukraine. The Slovenian Youth Youth Orchestra is collecting donations for the project »Music for future: Ukraine. Slovenia. Europe« project, the Slovenian Youth Orchestra is collecting donations for evacuation, humanitarian aid and the accommodation of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine. The project relies on the healing power of music. A music camp in Ljubljana offers the opportunity to overcome the horrors of war with the help of music. the horrors of war with the help of music. In addition, at this place the education with daily lessons and joint concerts can be safely continued. Click here to go directly to the donation page.

© Oliver Wolf, Graphic Daniel Wiesmann

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