
Write a speech with us from the youth!

On the 60th anniversary of Charles de Gaulle’s speech in Ludwigsburg

On September 9, 2022, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of Charles de Gaulle’s »Speech to the German Youth« and we ask ourselves: What would actually be a speech from the youth today? What wishes, goals and criticism would young voices of the present want to articulate? The emergence of such a speech the Ludwigsburg Festival would like to give time and space to the creation of such a speech in the coming months. Members of the Youth Community Council have already declared their willingness to participate in this project. A next meeting for the development of a »speech of the youth« will take place on Monday, April 25, 4pm. A great opportunity to exchange ideas with other young people and to collect first ideas. Sign up for this up to 22. April by mail to: We are looking forward to meet more interested young people who want to contribute their voice and work together on a »Youth Speech«!

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