
Corinna Belz

Author and director

Corinna Belz has been making feature films and television productions since the 90s. She has received numerous awards, including the Media Gold Award 2007 for "The Cologne Cathedral Window" and the German Film Award 2012 for »Gerhard Richter Painting«. Through her collaboration with Gerhard Richter, Belz documented rare insights into the work of the contemporary artist on the one hand. On the other hand, she created projects such as »Richter's Patterns«, a film with music by Marcus Schmickler commissioned by the Kölner Philharmonie and the Ensemble Musikfabrik. The joint film »Moving Picture 946-3« became the »Moving Picture 946-3 Kyoto Version« for an exhibition in Kyoto with a composition by Rebecca Saunders. 

Corinna Belz

© Sylvia Steinhäuser

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