
Beethoven, dance and change

Our Subscription packages at a glance

 With our subscription packages »Beethoven hoch drei«, »Tanz and Ritual« and »Welt im Wandel« you can look forward to a unique three productions of the 2022 festival season and benefit from a 20% discount on your purchase. Choose the subscription that suits you subscription and book it through the Ludwigsburg Festival ticket office. Further information you will find here.

»Beethoven hoch drei«

The musical journey starts on May 11 with a musical lamentation on nature and biodiversity: Patricia Kopatchinskaja’s evening »Les Adieux,« including Beethoven’s »Pastorale,« will be performed for the first time by the Mahler Chamber Orchestra at the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele before moving on to Hamburg and Berlin. On June 24 pianist Jan Lisiecki, together with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, will present his interpretation of two of Beethoven’s piano concertos to Ludwigsburg. The subscription package is rounded off by Beethoven’s «Missa Solemnis« with the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra and the RIAS Chamber Choir under the musical direction of René Jacobs on July 13.

»Tanz und Ritual«

On May 22, we invite you to a special love tragedy: In Purcell’s opera «Dido and Aeneas,« choreographed by Sasha Waltz, dance and opera merge into a unique art form. You will be not only close, but right in the middle of Brahms ’ »Human Requiem« on June 9. By eliminating the separation of stage and auditorium, you will experience the the touching scenic production in the midst of the performers. As the third event in the subscription package on June 19 is Pina Bausch’s legendary choreography «The Sacrifice of Spring,« danced by the École des Sables from Senegal, and the new duet «common ground[s]« by Germaine Acogny and Malou Airaudo.

»Welt im Wandel«

The subscription package kicks off on May 14 with the sustainable symphony #Bechange by the STEGREIF.orchestra around works by Wilhelmine von Bayreuth. It continues on June 11: the concert «The Unfinished Revolution« with the conductor Vitali Alekseenok and the orchestra of the Ludwigsburg Festival combines Schubert’s 7th symphony and poetry composers and is dedicated to the Belarusian peace activist Maria Kalesnikava. At the end of the subscription period, ensemble reflector will present the concert «Purcell Mendelssohn Mayer« on July 1 composer Emilie Mayer exactly where she belongs: among her great colleagues.

Optional subscription

You are also welcome to be creative yourself and put together your own personal subscription package. With the Wahl-Abo you can choose three productions from all of the 2022 festival season and receive 10% discount on your ticket order.


Even a double visit is worthwhile! With our Combitickets you receive a 20% discount. Experience with «Mozart Streich Quintet« on May 8, 11 a.m., and «Mozart Clarinet Quintet« on May 8, 7 p.m. two concerts of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra. The research project «Global Breath Composers« by trumpeter Marco Blaauw will present a series of concerts on June 25, 8 p.m. and 26, 7 p.m. June, 7 p.m. with some world premieres the sonority of the trumpet.

Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++ Due to the weather, »Frei Luft Musik« will take place in the Stadtkirche today +++