Schlossfestspiele Ludwigsburg

Ideas form out of courageous, minimalist chaos, ideas grow into motifs and these motifs are finally assembled into musical marvels. Over the past four months, around 100 students from various schools have explored this process and experienced first-hand how they playfully transform from interpreters to composers. The four music education teachers from creArte – Christina Eychmüller, Henrike Löchte, Melanie Heintel and Christian Zech – created original compositions with the participating classes from the four schools. At an intermediary meeting on 7 April, the pupils were able to get to know each other and feel their way around the architecture and acoustics of the music hall. The concert on 23 June was the crowning finale of the workshops and gave the pupils' compositions a fitting stage.

Class 4b Burgholzhof Primary School Stuttgart

Class 4 Nature Park School Weissach im Tal

Classes H6 and H8 Schule am Favoritepark Ludwigsburg

Class 7a Reinhold-Nägele-Realschule Weinstadt

Lecturers of creArte e.V.

Christina Eychmüller Violin, Lecturer Nature Park School

Henrike Löchte Xylophone, Lecturer Schule am Favoritepark, Elementary School Burgholzhof

Melanie Heintel Violin, Lecturer Burgholzhof Elementary School

Christian Zech Ukulele, Lecturer School at Favoritepark, Reinhold-Nägele-Realschule

Teachers and supervisors

Anja Binder Burgholzhof Elementary School

Korinna Hartzsch Nature Park School

Sonja Büttner, Vittoria Strobel, Gil Garberis, Sara-Maria Rüber, Annalena Müller School at Favoritepark

Julia Scheifele Reinhold Nägele Secondary School

Jan Hoydem Camera and editing

show overview
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