
From old to new

A recycled notepad as colorful as the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele!

Our posters have fulfilled their task: they were colorful, eye-catching and have pleased the viewers. Now the remaining posters will get a new life instead of simply ending up in the paper garbage can. We are increasing resource efficiency and transforming remaining posters into colorful notebooks. Because there are only three steps between a poster and a notebook: Collect, cut, bind.

Each season, we plan and coordinate the production of posters. In order to make this as sustainable as possible, we make sure, that only as much is produced as we actually need. Nevertheless, unfortunately there are always a few posters left over after a season.
We have now collected these posters and cut them into individual pages. Afterwards, the pages only have to be bound and the sustainable companion for on the go is ready: your notepad. 

Have fun with your Fest Spiel Notes!

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