
Alliance of free cultural institutions introduces itself

Culture in Ludwigsburg

Strengthening cultural life, networking with cultural practitioners and creating future perspectives. With these goals in mind, independent cultural institutions in Ludwigsburg formed an alliance this summer.

The institutions – all of which are institutionally supported by the city, are: Demokratisches Zentrum, Jazz-Club Ludwigsburg, KulturWelt – Freies Jugendtheater Ludwigsburg, Kunstverein Kreis Ludwigsburg,  Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele gGmbH, Scala Kultur Live gGmbH, Scala Kultur Theatersommer gGmbH and Tanz- und Theaterwerkstatt e.V.

In the Committee for Education, Social Affairs, Sports and Culture, the alliance presented itself to the Ludwigsburg City Council on September 13 under the leadership of First Mayor Renate Schmetz. Many employees of the institutions concerned also attended the public meeting in the town hall. Bettina Gonsiorek (Tanz- und Theaterwerkstatt e.V.) and Jochen Laube (Scala Kultur Live gGmbH) presented the interests and goals of the current alliance partners.

The dialogue with the city administration is a first step to bringing the expertise of cultural workers more firmly into the political and administrative spheres and drawing attention to current topics. The cultural offerings increase the attractiveness of the city of Ludwigsburg, making it liveable for its citizens and visitors. To continue to fulfil this cultural mandate and secure independent cultural institutions, further action and close cooperation with politics and administration in Ludwigsburg are necessary.

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