
Daniel Stelter

His cross-genre understanding of music makes the studied jazz guitarist one of the most sought-after studio guitarists in the country. He learned classical guitar as a child, later toured with the German National Youth Jazz Orchestra, and composed and recorded his first CD at 17. In 2008, he founded the "Daniel Stelter Quartet" with Tommy Baldu and others and continued to pursue his idea of making music as a solo artist. The European tour with jazz legend Al Jarreau in 2016 and the duo tour with Lulo Reinhardt through the USA in 2018/19 particularly shaped his artistic path. Stelter has recorded albums for artists such as Wolfgang Haffner, Fola Dada and Jan Delay. He has been teaching guitar at the HfMdK in Frankfurt since 2016. Stelter composes and produces radio plays, film and television productions and has his studio in his home town of Ingelheim, where he has been organizing the international guitar festival since 2019. 

Daniel Stelter

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