
Designated Artistic Director

Lucas Reuter will direct the Schlossfestspiele from October 1

The Supervisory Board of the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele elected a new artistic director at its meeting on March 6. In future Lucas Reuter will take over responsibility. The 40-year-old has been artistic director of the artistic season at the Forum am Schlosspark Ludwigsburg, which he will continue to be responsible for the time being. He will succeed Jochen Sandig on October 1 2024 to Jochen Sandig, who will end his directorship of the Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele after the 2024 season. »We are very happy that with Lucas Reuter we have found a proven expert in the artistic life for the Schlossfestspiele«, says Lord Mayor Dr. Matthias Knecht, who chairs the supervisory board of the Schlossfestspiele (see the complete press release).

Schlossfestspiele Ludwigsburg

Lucas Reuter (li.) mit OB Dr. Matthias Knecht

Stadt Ludwigsburg

Lucas Reuter (left) with Mayor Dr. Matthias Knecht Photo: City of Ludwigsburg

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