
An even more European »Frei Luft Musik«

European Action Day on June 7 on the market square

It’s always colorful the Schlossfestspiele’s »Frei Luft Musik« – the genre selection is colorful and the audience is a colorful mix of regulars and the curious. And now it’s getting European on Friday, June 7: before the »Frei Luft Musik« concert begins as usual, this time featuring the festival orchestra’s trombone quartet, the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry, together with local associations and institutions, invites you to the European Action Day on Ludwigsburg’s market square!

From 3 p.m. there is free coffee from »THE LÄND in Europa«-coffee machine or European ice cream and lots of fun at the pub quiz, on the wheel of fortune or on a trip via VR glasses to the EU Parliament in Brussels! The sporty ones will find their challenges at the goal wall, with the MHP Giants basketball team, on the HCL Ludwigsburg or rugby at the MTV hands-on station.

Information on the European election gives the State Center for Political Education, the Young European Federalists and the youth council of the city of Ludwigsburg. The head of Europe Direct Stuttgart, Dr. Lana Mayer, will lead through the stage program and will be joined in conversation by guests such as Lord Mayor Matthias Knecht, Florian Hassler (State Secretary in the State Ministry and representative of Baden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg to the EU) and Wolfgang Bücherl (Head of the Regional Representation of the European Commission for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg).

Further Information and detailed program:

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