
Half-time: The fourth festival week begins!

Classical, jazz, minimal music or dance? There’s something for everyone this week!

This week’s guests at the Schlossfestspiele: Violinist Renaud Capuçon with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra and Pianist Michael Wollny, who takes a »Blick nach Innen« with his art between jazz and classical music. The Minguet Quartet brings together Franz Schubert’s String Quintet in C major with the Finnish contemporary composer Kalevi Aho.In addition, children will demonstrate the musical possibilities of minimal music with their own compositions and in the workshops on »In C«, you can dance under the guidance of dancers from the Sasha Waltz & Guests company!

»Maximaler Mut mit minimaler Musik«

Several school classes from Ludwigsburg and the surrounding area show us that sometimes it only takes a small idea – and a little courage – to develop an entire piece of music. »Mini Mal Mut« opens up the countless possibilities of minimal music and your own imagination, and not just for children!

Piano art between jazz and classical music

Being alone doesn’t have to mean loneliness: Jazz pianist Michael Wollny takes this positive view as the starting point for his musical reflections. His album »Mondenkind« tells the story of loners like astronaut Michael Collins in melancholy and energetic pieces. In combination with works by other composers, impressive images and moods are created that merge into an approximately 90-minute piano recital. Take the time to send your own thoughts on a journey far away!

Dance the choreography »In C« with us

Under the guidance of dancers from the company Sasha Waltz & Guests, you will have the opportunity to get to know the choreography »In C« better. As part of the dance-workshops, we cordially invite you to get to know and try out the concept and the various movements in a playful way.

The registration for the workshops on June 21, 22 and 23 is still possible.

Frei Luft Musik

As an integral part of the Schlossfestspiele, it should not be missing this week either: our »Frei Luft Musik«. On Friday at 6 p.m., the four musicians of the classical string quartet Ladystrings will put you in a good mood with jazz and South American music, among other things!

Concert in the Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg: »Minguet Quartett Schubert«

On Saturday, June 22, another concert will take place in the beautiful Ordenssaal of the Ludwigsburg Residenzschloss: The Minguet Quartet with the cellist Jens Peter Maintz will be performing Franz Schubert in the works of his contemporaries Gustav Mahler and Kalevi Aho.

The Mahler Chamber Orchestra & Renaud Capuçon

Last but not least: At the end of the week the Mahler Chamber Orchestra begins its artist residency and performs on Sunday, together with violinist Renaud Capuçon, Schumann’s Violin Concerto in D minor and Brahms’ Fourth Symphony under the direction of conductor Anja Bihlmaier.

As always,tickets for your favorite events are available online, at the ticket office, directly from us at Palais Grävenitz or at the respective box office. We look forward to your visit!

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